Pipe for trenchless installation DN90, 1250N

EVOPIPES (#20400090H1004DF3D03)

Price: 6,12 m

Product in manufacturer's stock

EVOCAB STING cable protection pipes are made of high density polyethylene (HDPE) and designed so that they can withstand loads caused by soil and vehicles.

STING type pipes have a smooth inner and outer surface. These pipes can be used to protect and insulate cables in underground installations made using the method of directional drilling. The cable protection pipes for trenchless installations are available in pieces of various lengths and in rolls. Not cutable.

Item parameters



Outer Ø [mm]
Length [m]





Polietilēns (PE-100)

Compression strength class



LVS EN 61386-1:2018, LVS EN 61386-24:2011

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